Microsoft to release new USB version of the SideWinder

For all of you control freaks.

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Microsoft to release new USB version of the SideWinder
The original SideWinder game pad hit the PC market in 1996 and is still regarded as one of the best-selling controllers. The classic ergonomic design and layout of the pad gives gamers what they want: control.

PC gamepads have traditionally been overlooked as a peripheral. Before USB, it required additional hardware to connect more than one pad. This new version of the SideWinder combines ease of use with multiple pad support.

Another benefit of USB is a faster response time. When games can register inputs quicker, they have a better feel.

Stephanie Kincade, from Microsoft had these comments about the new SideWinder:

“Combining the classic comfort and design of the original SideWinder game pad with the speed and ease of USB technology, SideWinder USB allows users to seamlessly jump right into their favourite sports, action and racing games.”

The new USB version of the SideWinder will be in shops on October 1 and will retail for around £24.99


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