PES 2011 for Wii Dated with a Trailer

Konami calls it total control.

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PES 2011 for Wii Dated with a Trailer
What is it about people who work on PES? Why the nicknames? We're not going to answer that one, but we are going to talk about Konami producer Akiyoshi ‘Greyhound’ Chosogabe's PES 2011 release, which is coming in October... 2010 that is.

You can watch the video below - and seel the detail here, however, the quick and dirty is:

- Dual control using a Wii Remote and Nunchuck are in play, "with the former used to pick out passes or send players on runs, while the Nunchuck offers total control over the player with the ball."

- The Classic Controller is also an option, "with the left-hand stick offering full 360-degree movement, and the right stick allowing users to change cursors more efficiently."

- "Players can also play against rivals using different control methods now, regardless of whether they are online or offline."

- WFC Matches offer a default setting is to play against players using the same control method, but there is an option to play against those using a different control method.



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