Suda51 Would Love to Work with Criterion on Burnout

And he's looking forward to Need for Speed!

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Suda51 Would Love to Work with Criterion on Burnout
Goichi Suda (aka Suda51) the man behind Grasshopper Manufacture and hence Killer 7 has got plenty to say about his newest project, the very shooty Sine Mora. But he's also been giving love to the UK's own Criterion games in a recent interview.

When asked who his favourite Western game designers are, he is enthusiastic, "Criterion Games - "Alex Ward (the creative director there).

"I love Burnout, it's really the Number 1 game in the world. Very exciting game. "Alex, and of course art director Craig Sullivan."

So, how about a collaboration? "That would be great. I want to create a Burnout ourselves! But I think they're working on Need for Speed now... I'm actually looking forward to playing Need for Speed."

Full interview right here.


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