Sony Senior VP Owns Up: 3D Glasses are a Bit Rubbish

Glasses free 3D TVs in work

Posted by Staff
Well, me and my douche pals think they look cool and retro.
Well, me and my douche pals think they look cool and retro.
Sony has finally admitted to what most people - including rivals Toshiba and Nintendo - already know: expensive 3D TVs that also require glasses for each member of the household are, frankly, a bit rubbish.

Sony Senior Vice President Yoshihisa Ishida owned up to the fact in Tokyo this week, stating, "Seeing 3-D without glasses is more convenient."

Well now. So, this means that the company is working on a convenient 3D TV?

Well, yes, but Mr Ishida points out that, "We must take account of pricing before we can think about when to start offering them."

Also, all the inventory still needing to be shifted.



Daz 26 Aug 2010 16:09
there's nothing wrong with 3D glasses, how else would an axe hit you in the face?
TimSpong 27 Aug 2010 10:10
Daz wrote:
there's nothing wrong with 3D glasses, how else would an axe hit you in the face?

I wear usual, everyday glasses which exist in time and space. 3D glasses fitted over those are a ballache frankly. If we're going to have 3D, then let's have it without it being from the 1950s I say!

New Stuff Is Good Shocker!


Daz 27 Aug 2010 17:52
if they can make it so it feels like if you don't duck something will hit you then fair enough but without glasses (star trek holodecks not with standing) I don't see how thats possible, but I'm not a rocket scientist so who knows
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