Medal of Honor Taliban Shocker Turns Government on Itself

Department for Culture Media and Sport points at game ratings

Posted by Staff
Medal of Honor Taliban Shocker Turns Government on Itself
The Department for Culture Media and Sport has issued a statement dismissing defence secretary Liam Fox's outrage at EA's Medal of Honor, in which gamers can opt to play as the Taliban.

A spokesperson for the DCMS stated that "Dr Fox was expressing a personal view and we understand why some people might find the subject matter of the game offensive".

Dr Fox had stated that he "would urge retailers to show their support for our armed forces and ban this tasteless product." He believes that the game, which features US Special Operations Command forces who are, "experts in the application of violence", sees recreations of "the acts of the Taliban against British soldiers."

To restate the issue: there are no British soldiers in Medal of Honor.

The DCMS spokesman continued to distance itself from the minister, stating that, "There is a ratings system in place which exists to categorise games appropriately, in this case the game in question is rated 18 so should only be sold to, and played by, adults."


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