Shigenobu Matsuyama, the creative producer and director of upcoming title Metal Gear Solid Rising has been talking about characters for the game."To answer you question about returning characters, we're probably not going to show too many characters in Rising because, since it's a new part of a series, we don't really want to refer to and dwell upon the Metal Gear saga so much."
"We want newcomers to the game to come in and play freely without needing to know and understand the background of the whole
Metal Gear Solid universe.
"We don't want to have it all tied up with the story from
MGS2 or
MGS4 and make it too complicated."
Good to see that the developers are working on an producing an action title that wont alienate new players yet will hopefully satisfy loyal fans of the MGS franchise as well. Is that what you want to see in
Metal Gear Rising when it is released? Please comment.
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