Rio Ferdinand Seeks Halo Players For Elite Spartan Squad

Footballer makes the call last night during competition announcement.

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Think you're the best Halo player in the country? Microsoft might have something of interest for you - a competition to find six of the best multiplayer gamers for a chance to get their hands on Halo: Reach before release.

After selecting six of Britain's own 'Noble Team,' one will go on to lead the Elite Spartan Squad, a clan also consisting of five celebrities. The Gadget Show's Jason Bradbury and footballing footballer Rio Ferdinand appeared at the conference to announce the competition - these two will make up some of the Elite Spartan Squad. Other members include T4's Jameela Jamil and Ben Cohen from... rugby. The final celebrity is yet to be announced.

The lucky leader of the Elite Spartan Squad will be in charge of showing the celebs the ropes in Halo multiplayer tactics, in preparation for a 'big event' that will take place at the launch of Halo: Reach - 14th September.

The initiative will kick off on Twitter and other social networking outlets from Wednesday. We took pictures of Rio Ferdinand and Jason Bradbury looking comfortable on stage - go take a look.


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