Pre-Owned Kinect Sales to Benefit Retail

Some boll*cks mentioned...

Posted by Staff
Pre-Owned Kinect Sales to Benefit Retail
Don McCabe, the man from UK indie game-seller Chips, thinks that while some of Microsoft's figures for how many more Xbox 360s the Kinect launch will sell are 'bollocks', his company's pre-owned sales of Kinect itself will be healthy.

"I don't think it's going to add any new hardware sales. I spotted in their last response to a survey, they said it would lift hardware sales by 5 to 15 percent.

"I think that's bollocks. You lift it by one or two per cent and you've had a result."

What isn't quite so bollocks, however, is the money to be made from the hardware, "From our point of view, the more Microsoft things that are out there the better, because it's one of those things that people will buy, play it for a short time then trade it back in. So I think we'll make a good trade-in market on it," he told GI.Biz.


Andy P 23 Jul 2010 10:12
Hurray! More money for the people who put a box on a shelf... and nothing extra whatsoever for the people who slave over a game for two years. Pre-owned sales are teh awesome!
Dreadknux 23 Jul 2010 11:11
Ain't that the truth.
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