North Carolina to Offer Tax Breaks to Game Developers

It's not just Canada now...

Posted by Staff
Governor Beverly Perdue: Gamer?
Governor Beverly Perdue: Gamer?
The Governor of North Carolina will soon pass a bill that offers tax breaks to film companies and video game studios that operate in the state.

Gov. Beverly Perdue is to sign the economic incentives bill into law later today, after a tour of an unnamed video game developer based in Cary, reports the Associated Press via WTKR.

Perdue has been pushing for the incentives because she believes that it will boost North Carolina's position over other North American states, which also want to attract movie and game producers. The growing competition in the US between states has been sparked by moves from countries like Canada, which offer enticing economic deals for those wishing to create games there.

Meanwhile, industry bodies in the UK are desperately trying to convince the British Government to better support its own developers, before they decide to pack up and leave for greener pastures. With the number of countries and states providing tax breaks increasing at a rapid pace, it appears time is running out.


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