Square Enix Wada: We'll Try More Non-Game Digital Content

Boxed games no longer viable

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Square Enix Wada: We'll Try More Non-Game Digital Content
Square Enix boss, Yoichi Wada, cannot see a future in boxed video games and wants his company to start getting revenues from non-games content.

Speaking in a recent Venturebeat piece, Wada says:

"There are two issues that have to be distinguished. Will content called “games” survive or not? And what kind of revenues can be derived from games? Today, packaged software sold in stores has fixed prices.

"Online games can use diverse revenue models. That can help the monetization of games. Of course, we will try to sell more digital content that is not games. That isn’t making up for lost revenues in packaged software games. We have always been trying to expand the market for our digital content.

"Another way to put it: Without changing the business model, it will be difficult to survive in this business. Dependence on packaged software sales may not be viable."

Source: Venturebeat.


Aozora 5 Jul 2010 23:41
I think he should just focus on quality games, like Square always did. To me, Yoichi Wada, is confusing music industry with the gaming industry. As for digital distrubtion, no one has a handle on that yet or has he not seen the 5 million illegal downloads of Dissidia? It's because games are boxed and quite big that they are doing so well compared to the other industries.

It just looks like a premature path to follow.
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