Speculation Over Judge Disappearance Turns to Video Games

Video games cause car crashes now?

Posted by Staff
Speculation Over Judge Disappearance Turns to Video Games
A convicted drugs offender has suggested that video game playing was a contributing factor to a car crash in which he was a passenger.

Jeremy Hubbard, 28, told the Bristol Herald Courier of his last contact with missing Circuit Judge Joseph R. Carico, who drove his SUV into a tree shortly after playing several rounds of Halo 3.

Police reports state that Carico swerved to avoid a deer in the road, and while Hubbard was taken to the hospital Carico left the incident unharmed. That was last November. Three weeks ago, it was first reported that he mysteriously disappeared. He hasn't been seen since.

Hubbard says he doesn't know the reason for Carico's absence - amidst speculation that the crash, his friendship with Hubbard or even that he was somewhat involved in a drugs felony that Hubbard committed would affect his standing as a court judge - but is more than happy to bring up video games to the Bristol Herald Courier for some reason.

“People are saying there was drugs involved and there was this, and there was alcohol and none of this [expletive] is true,” Hubbard said. “Everybody wants to make up their own story and their own thing about what [expletive] happened.”

Hey, we guess blaming a car crash on video games sounds much more reasonable.


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