Kudo Tsunoda: Kinect Is Like Super Mario Bros.

Would you consider Super Mario Bros a core or casual game? What about Kinect Adventures?

Posted by Staff
It's like a platformer. Honest.
It's like a platformer. Honest.
Microsoft is still telling people that its Kinect peripheral is for 'everyone', rather than 'casual gamers'. Creative Director Kudo Tsunoda tried to hammer home the point during an E3 roundtable by comparing Kinect Adventures to Super Mario Bros.

After making a vague comment about 'experiencing the games' using the breadth and depth of Kinect's input, Tsunoda said that defining a core and a casual game remains ambiguous. "I just don't think the games gaming press or core gamers would enjoy all necessarily come down to whether you're shooting something.

"If you think about a game like Mario Bros., would you say Mario Bros. is a core or casual game? That's exactly what we're doing with the Kinect products. If you look at River Rush, from Kinect Adventures, that in a lot of ways is like a platformer game. It's all the same things you see in platformer games. The way you summed up how you would feel about Mario Bros. is exactly the way we look at the Kinect games.

Tsunoda added; "There's the core gaming depth and skills, and the casual approachability that lets you get into it and play it right away. That's what we focus on in all of the gameplay. When we say games are approachable, it doesn't mean shallow. It just means you can get in and experience the game for what it is."

His argument concluded with the point that if someone had pitched the base idea of Mario Bros today, it would have been just as scrutinised as Kinect is right now.



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