Ice-T Gets Gears of War 3 Role

But he didn't say that.

Posted by Staff
Ice-T Gets Gears of War 3 Role
Tracy Marrow, A.K.A. 'cop killa', Madd Dogg and Detective Odafin 'Fin' Tutuola... yes, Ice-T is apparently going to appear in Gears of War 3.

Not only that but his favourite Modern Warfare 2 map is Carnival... obviously.

Speaking in a UStream feed picked up by Giant Bomb, Ice declares, "I'm not a cop, I don't put people in jail! I wasn't a cop killer either!"

He also tells the world, "I'm-a goin' to give you a blast... check... I'mma character in the new Gears of War... I didn't say that". Yes, he says that at about 17m:45s.

Well now...


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