Remedy's managing director, Matias Myllyrinne, has criticised a European website that has taken 10-minute gameplay videos of the upcoming Xbox 360 exclusive Alan Wake."Game journalism is not about playing a game in 10 minute segments and posting random quality videos on the net. Disappointed," Myllyrinne wrote on his
Twitter page in response to's video and screenshot bonanza.
It appears that the gaming website's video output has also caused added fear that
Alan Wake may not be in a 720p resolution. Shortly after the 960x547 resolution videos went online, a
thread on the official Remedy forums asked the studio if various graphical imperfections shown was the result of the game "not being in 720p."
It appears that fans looked at the video capture resolution and assumed that was representative of the final product. Not the case, reveals development director Markus Mäki;
"Modern renderers don't work by rendering everything to a certain final on-screen resolution, but use a combination of techniques and buffers to compose the final detail-rich frames, optimizing to improve the visual experience and game performance," Mäki tells fans
via a forum message. There's all kinds of technical terms being thrown about too, so it's best you read it yourself.
So. To 720p or not to 720p? Does it even really matter? Opinions, as always, in the forum below.