Square Enix Likes The Idea Of PSN Final Fantasy IX

Company aims to re-release PS1 classic on tenth anniversary.

Posted by Staff
Square Enix Likes The Idea Of PSN Final Fantasy IX
The release of Final Fantasy VII and VIII on the PlayStation Store saw great praise and success for Square Enix last year, so it makes sense that the company is also looking at re-releasing Final Fantasy IX on the digital platform as well.

Producer Shinji Hashimoto wrote to fans on Twitter that a discussion was held between board members as to whether to offer FFIX on PlayStation 3 and PSP consoles, and that the results of that meeting were positive.

The PS1 classic was originally released in Japan in 2000 - the thought of re-releasing the game on its 10th anniversary was seen by many Square Enix board members as a great idea. More details are said to be revealed next week, but suffice it to say we should expect the series homage to hit our consoles at some point this year.

Via Examiner.


headcasephil 29 Mar 2010 15:33
i wish that square would put all ff's on psn as download
moogleboi 31 Mar 2010 21:22
I just with they'd remaster these games. No, I don't mean remake, I mean recompile them from a less compressed source.

The original PS1 builds are 480p resolution and they look HORRIBLE on modern flatscreens. The FMVs are also half the in-game resolution at 240p.
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