Video Game Helps Kids Avoid Real Landmines

Real life benefits ahoy

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Video Game Helps Kids Avoid Real Landmines
Battlefield Bad Company 2, Modern Warfare 2, Warhawk, MAG we love them all. However, out there in the real world, leaving landmines around the place and then leaving the warzone presents huge and tragic problems for the indigenous population. So, thank goodness for a new game from Michigan State University.

Corey Bohil, a visiting assistant professor in MSU's Department of Telecommunication, Information Studies and Media, and students have developed Undercover UXO to help Cambodian children actively avoid UXOs.

According to the University, "The player is tasked with navigating through a maze, trying to help his or her pet find food. The player is presented with a number of 'indicators' – warning signs that an explosive device might be nearby – and attempts to avoid them."

Corey Bohil says that, “If the player recognizes the indicators and avoids them, then the pet finds the food and everyone is happy."

"For years the local communities would try to teach people how to avoid landmines. They would have presentations made to community elders, publish booklets, and nothing would work", he continued.

The game from a Bohil-lead class called 'Collaborative Game Design'. Now, like commercial developers, says the prof', "we’re working to make the game better – make it less clunky and get out some of the bugs. It will be sent to Cambodia in March for testing to see if the kids like it."

More info right here.


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