PlayStation 2 Emulator Scam Comes With Trojan

Popular virus repackaged into fake Sony console emulator.

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PlayStation 2 Emulator Scam Comes With Trojan
A bogus PlayStation 2 emulator is circling the internet that comes packaged with the Trojan virus known as 'CodecPack-2GCash-Gen', according to a computer security firm.

Chris Boyd of Sunbelt Software noted that PS2 emulator downloads from websites such as is a scam to infect PCs with a malicious Trojan.

"In some cases, people have reported this particular attack resulting in rogue antivirus appearing on the compromised system – however, during testing nothing was downloaded onto the PC," writes Boyd, although he notes that such suspect installs remain a possibility.

The virus has been a popular choice for scammers looking to compromise computer security, and Boyd believes that the versatility of the packages will mean it will be a threat in many forms in the future. "Trojan-Downloader.Win32.CodecPack.2GCash.Gen has been used in everything from fake codec scams to rogue AV hijacks in previous months, and is probably going to stick around for quite some time."

Source: The Register


ohms 11 Mar 2010 12:19

Haven't tried the PS2 emulator, but apparently most games work fine on a decent PC.
So why the hell haven't Sony managed to emulate it with software on the PS3?

headcasephil 11 Mar 2010 12:24
iv used PCSX2 for ps2 emulator never had a problem
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Cfan 11 Mar 2010 15:15
@ ohms, becasue they want you to have a PS2 and a PS3 under the tv, that and they're too stupid to realise how many more customers they would gain by BC.
Tamikaze 11 Mar 2010 21:26

OK people cry over the loss of Backwards Capability, but whats the point? there are 140 million people who own a Playstation 2 or how many units were sold anyway. If a console is that widely distributed whats the point in giving the other one backwards capability?
FFDannyB 12 Mar 2010 12:09
@Tamikaze, Because technology does not keep working forever. My PS2 stopped working a while ago and i'd love to play the games again however not enough to buy another PS2. i'm not made of money and if I had to choose between getting an old console or a couple new games for my existing one i'd rather get some new games
Cfan 12 Mar 2010 14:23
@Tamikaze, I see your point, but what better way to keep your customers? because of the lack of BC in the PS3, It was one of the deciding factors in me buying a 360 (although Microsoft failed in their promise to make alll games BC) Later I picked up a Wii, knowing I could play all my old Gamecube games AND use the old controllers, memory cards.

Sony think they're saving money by not including BC, but surely they would of gained a bigger user base by including BC. Only this morning I saw a guy in Game trading in his huge collection of PS2 games, and I hate to think how much he got in credit for them, a pound each?not even that I would imagine.
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