Argos Gets Into Pre-Owned Games

Catalogue store buying and reselling games in trial run.

Posted by Staff
Argos Gets Into Pre-Owned Games
Catalogue store Argos has followed the lead of HMV, Tesco and Asda by buying and selling second hand games. Gift cards are being offered at 27 selected stores for trade-ins of Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii and Nintendo DS software.

Those interested in finding out what games they can trade in, and how much they will get out of them, can learn more on the Argos website. The initiative is only at the trial stage right now, but if successful could roll out to all 735 stores.

MCV confirmed the trade-in campaign with an Argos spokesperson, who said "Argos can confirm it is trialling a trade-in service for video games in a few stores in the North East region commencing in March 2010. We have no firm plans regarding the length of the trial and no future roll out decision will be taken until the trial is concluded."

With supermarkets and general stores looking to offer similar services, it seems like you won't be able to walk far without being able to find a pre-owned game. Let's just hope that Argos has a strict policy on inspecting games when traded in - you never know what you might find in a purchased second hand game case...


thuggy33 13 Mar 2010 13:27
I work for Argos and know that all games will be checked for contents and data through a 3rd party, if required cleaned, replacement manauls inserted then once given the green light on each item/game they are re-sold in selected stores at a discount.
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