Castle Crashers Gets PlayStation Volleyball

Smack a ball around when you've had enough of smacking enemies around.

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Castle Crashers Gets PlayStation Volleyball
Castle Crashers is finally coming to the PlayStation 3, after enjoying cult success on the Xbox Live Arcade, and The Behemoth has announced that the PSN version will come with a Volleyball mode.

Perhaps the most unlikeliest of sports to feature in a game about medieval knights smacking the crap out of everything, Volleyball will see 8-players whacking a huge ball back and forth, equipped with a paddle.

Magic attacks can change the course of the game by altering the status of the ball. Local and online play is supported. "It’s basically like playing volleyball with your friends but you get to replace good sportsmanship with explosions, magic, and weaponry," writes developer Emil Ayoubkhan on the EU PlayStation blog.

Despite the new information, no release date has been set for the PSN version of Castle Crashers, other than "sometime this year."


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