Republicans to Attract Kids with Video Games

Call of Duty and dancing

Posted by Staff
I am the Origami Killer!
I am the Origami Killer!
The US Republican Party is reaching out to "the kids" in order to stop them turning into Goddamn communistic atheistic surrender monkeys. And this time the GOP is using video games to bring hip'n'cool to its forthcoming Conservative Political Action Conference.

'Fair and balanced Fox News' reports that the conference will have something called the XPAC Lounge, "where the video games and the junk food will be."

"We're gonna have the most popular games. There'll be Guitar Hero. There'll be Dance Revolution (sic). There'll be Call of Duty," said Kevin McCullough, the radio host who created the XPAC Lounge with actor Stephen Baldwin.

More desperate lashing around for the youth vote here.


Purb 19 Feb 2010 17:12
whatever happaned to candy and puppies?

pic caption ftw!
PresidentEvil 19 Feb 2010 20:43
Remember kids, you can always trust a party that is in tune with da kids, and shiz. We in the 'pub'cans know which are the "most popular games". Guitar Band, Dance Dance Dance Revolution and Medal of Duty. Plus Palinetta is one of us.

So, make a stand for unrestricted greed masquerading as free market trickle down economics. We may not have managed to wreck western civilisation this time, but give us one more chance and we'll get it right.

Plus, it's called the WHITEhouse for a reason. Take a look... clearly the wrong guy is in residence.

Funny Picture 20 Feb 2010 05:39
I like the picture, Palin looks awesome, she has this look of hard worker executive mother family oriented woman.
And that was a despicable commentary about the USA president, I am not in tune with his ideas neither, but you will get more credibility if you treat with respect people you don't agree with.
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