Monster Hunter Tri, the continuation of the popular Japanese action-MMO series, will be compatible with Wii Speak when it hits the West this April.
Ryozo Tsujimoto and Kaname Fujioka revealed the feature at a press conference in London, which has just wrapped up. Capcom is looking to add extra incentives to the Western version over the Japanese release last August.
Tsujimoto also re-affirmed support for the Classic Controller Pro, an update to the Classic Controller peripheral released late last year. Tsujimoto said that Capcom worked with Nintendo on the Pro controller specfically for Monster Hunter Tri.
It's one of the concessions Nintendo has made to the Wii in order to feature the series on the system. The other regards circumvention of Friend Codes; Monster Hunter Tri won't be using them.
Special weapons created by fan contest winners were also featured as Western-exclusive material for the game