RE5: Jill Valentine Scenarios Originally In-Game Extra

High-quality cutscenes made it too expensive to justify as in-game bonus content.

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RE5: Jill Valentine Scenarios Originally In-Game Extra
Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition is an updated release for the PlayStation 3 that features additional gameplay scenarios, focusing on Jill Valentine. Existing owners of RE5 will be able to pay for this content as DLC, but a Capcom developer blog reveals that this content was originally planned as an in-game extra.

Director Yasuhiro Anpo wrote an entry in the 'Gold Edition development blog' about the new scenes in the extended edition, which stated that (thanks to a translation by Andriasang) “the staff felt that they would have to include some bonus content in the game in order to keep up with the series' long tradition of offering players such content.”

That bonus content was to be the Jill Valentine scenarios, but instead we're we're seeing a whole new revised Blu-ray release plus DLC. So what happened? Apparently, making the cutscenes between gameplay segments was too complex a task to justify it being included as mere bonus content.

Given the trailer below, it looks like there will be plenty of cutscenes that explain a lot of things about Jill's side of the RE5 story. These scenes, says Anpo, have a high cost of production and implementing these isn't exactly cheap. The alternative was to use comic-style event scenes to tell the story rather than full cutscenes, but this was dumped in favour of the situation we see here.

So there you go. Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition (also known as Alternative Edition in Japan) is heading for an 18th February release date in Japan.



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