Namco Bandai To Release PS1 Classics On PSN

Katamari publisher wants to expand digital presence.

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Namco Bandai To Release PS1 Classics On PSN
A press release from Namco Bandai has revealed that the company intends to “increase its digital distribution presence” in 2010, a strategy that includes digging into its archives and finding some retro PS1 gems for players to tuck into.

Ridge Racer 6 and Beautiful Katamari are announced as titles for Microsoft's Xbox Live Games on Demand service, with the former already available and the latter hitting online shelves early 2010. For the PSP, Namco Bandai has just launched Me & My Katamari to the US PlayStation Network.

The most interesting part of the announcement comes in the form of “PS One catalogue classics”, which we hope is something the company intends to implement on a global scale. We could do with another round of Point Blank.


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