Rare: Killer Instinct Could Use Natal

Studio wants to re-invent the franchise in new and interesting ways.

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Rare: Killer Instinct Could Use Natal
Microsoft-owned Rare does love a good tease or two. After pulling everyone’s leg for a decade about a Killer Instinct 3, a recent interview has hinted at plans to take advantage of Microsoft’s Natal controller if a revival of the franchise ever came to pass.

Studio head Mark Betteridge spoke to magazine Games TM about the future of the company and where it’s headed, and hinted that a new Killer Instinct game could take advantage of the motion-controlled tech.

Street Fighter IV looked great and they’ve done a great job, and I’m a big fan of those products, but with KI we want to do something different rather than go back into that arena,” Betteridge said. “I think it’s about doing something different than with a conventional controller.”

To add to the subtle hint, the magazine then speaks to George Andreas (head of design at Rare), who says there is a challenge in making Killer Instinct "for the masses". The final clue? Games TM concluding the article with "Unfortunately, fans will have to wait until Natal hits the market before they discover if that question is to remain unanswered."

The studio has been at pains to re-create its classic franchises with unconventional approaches as of late, with its latest attempt, Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts, getting a mixed response from critics and platform fans alike.

Let’s hope Rare has some genius ideas to use for Natal, and isn’t just changing a game for the sake of being different. We’ve waited too long for a new Killer Instinct, after all. Should it come to pass, it better be freaking fantastic, whatever form it happens to take.


Bukkow... 30 Nov 2009 13:02
Any game that requires good, precise reflexes will NOT work in a motion control environment.

Although a fighting game may work if all players are marred with having to use motion tech.
Lucy 30 Nov 2009 16:58
Yeah I don't really see how this is going to work with Natal...

Rare were brilliant back on the Nintendo systems but they've kind of disappeared below my radar after the move to Microsoft. Really don't know about this.

Not excited about Natal yet.
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Drumz 9 Dec 2009 12:47
Well, hopefully there will be a choice to use a standard controller or Natal style. KI has consumed many many many a dollars from me. Not to brag, but being from Chicago, and with Midway, being the test publisher for arcades for the game, being based in Chicago, I was among the first 5 to play the game when it was tested secretly at a now closed down arcade called "Times Square". Ahh...memories...infinite juggle combos. 999,999,999 hits with Cinder, so sad....
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