PSP firmware update v6.20 is available, bringing with it the PSP comics reader.
The reader is an extra, falling under the new 'extras' section of the XMB. You'll have to go find the icon then download the reader once you've got the firmware. The reader will enable users to view comics either page by page or panel by panel, with Sony promising hundreds of comics for the service. Unfortunately, you can't get them for another month.
Sony tweeted that "We wont (sic) have a store front until mid December." There were meant to be some vouchers ready last night to give users a taster, but they haven't materialised as yet.
The update also brings with it the ability to import video and photo playlists from your PC to your PSP via Media Go.
Anyway, to whet your appetite for the comics you'll be able to get in a month or so, below is a video from over at the PlayStation Blog of Wormwood creator and 30 Days of Night artist Ben Templesmith talking about his comics being on the reader.