Vagrant Story Wandering onto PSN this Week

Square RPG set for PS3 and PSP

Posted by Staff
Vagrant Story, the Square RPG that got hordes of JRPG fans all smitten like loved-up monkeys back in the year 2000 on the PSOne, is set for the PlayStation Network this Thursday.

So says Square in its latest news letter: "Way back at the dawn of time (better known as the year 2000), a certain video games company called SQUARE made a game called VAGRANT STORY, which stormed the charts, became a genre-defining classic and, amongst other things, garnered a perfect score from Famitsu magazine - so pretty much business as usual for character design god Akihiko Yoshida. But the great news is that SQUARE ENIX are bringing it to the PS3 and the PSP on the 12th November!"


Dreadknux 10 Nov 2009 12:02

.... !!!!!!!

This better not be some joke, I've grown somewhat accustomed to seeing C-rank Disney titles hit the PS1 Classics. Or is this the bit where we learn that it's not heading to the European one but rather, the US one?
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