UK Govt "Helped" Video Games Projects with Pittance

Drop in the ocean could help to sink ship

Posted by Staff
UK Govt "Helped" Video Games Projects with Pittance
David Lammy (Minister of State (Higher Education and Intellectual Property), Department for Business, Innovation and Skills; Tottenham, Labour) has spilled the beans on just how much the UK government spent in aiding one of its most innovative and potentially valuable industries last year.

It's a pittance in terms of the total funding to the technology sector.

"During the financial year 2008-09 the Technology Strategy Board offered grant funding of £117.1 million to new projects involving UK businesses.

"Of this, £577,000 went to projects involving UK video games businesses."

We're now having a look to see how much it gave to the Royal Opera House, horse racing, F1 and other entertainments.

Source: Theyworkforyou


turnbats 6 Nov 2009 13:37
the uk government deserves to lose all uk gaming developers at the rate they're screwing them over!
Joji 6 Nov 2009 15:29
I have lost almost all faith in our government and the fools that run it, so it no surprise that they can't even get this right. I don't think they understand how much cost and development actually goes into creating games, as much as they do say films etc.

Well, if all/some current U.K devs, jump on a Mayflower to brighter shores, I'll shed a tear, but also understand why, and who on earth can blame them.
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irritant 6 Nov 2009 15:51
I've been told that the Singapore government is pumping $100M into their games industry, and the country is the size of London.
Joji 6 Nov 2009 16:15
Damn, that's a huge pile of money, go Singapore. Shows how much we get is poor, considering we are one of the leading countries in the games industry. That won't last for long, give it another 5-10 years.
Andy P 9 Nov 2009 13:37
Speaking as a tax payer, I don't really see why my tax money should go to games developers. Hardly a justifiable public expense, is it? (And no, neither is opera or the 2012 Olympics, by the way).

Speaking as a professional games developer of eight years, I would love for my company to get more money, but I still can't think of any particular reason why they should. "Because France and Canada do"? OK, go France and Canada. Good for them... but so what?
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