UK Video Gaming 'Addicts' to be Saved!

Addiction to cod therapy diagnosed?

Posted by Staff
UK Video Gaming 'Addicts' to be Saved!
Need something to spend all that spare cash on? How about getting treatment for an unproven addiction? Yes, the UK now has its own clinic to treat 'video gaming addiction'.

The Daily Telegraph reports that the Broadway Lodge, "a residential rehabilitation unit in Weston-super-Mare" that "treats around 400 addicts a year for a range of issues including, drink, drugs and gambling" has "adapted its traditional Minnesota Method Twelve-Step programme, which slowly weans addicts off a particular vice, for gamers."

This means that you no longer have to travel to Amsterdam's Smith & Jones clinic in order to get weaned off the WoW.

Bear in mind, however, that according to Keith Bakker who runs the Amsterdam clinic, "These kids come in showing some kind of symptoms that are similar to other addictions and chemical dependencies.

"But the more we work with these kids the less I believe we can call this addiction. What many of these kids need is their parents and their school teachers - this is a social problem." He told that to the BBC a year ago, by the way.

Peter Smith, a counsellor at Broadway Lodge, disagrees, telling the Telegraph, ''It's not unusual for people to get so obsessed with online gaming that they forget to eat and drift towards an anorexic and undernourished state".

Interesting clinical phrase that "not unusual". That means "usual" then? So, apparently it's usual for people to get so obsessed with an online game that they become anorexic and undernourished state.

We'll keep a weather eye on this one.

See also MCV


miacid 3 Nov 2009 11:38
I think SPOnG should send a one of the minions there to asses it's potential!

I would volunteer as it's just up the road from me but I'm too weak from all the gaming 8~)
Kiro 3 Nov 2009 14:16
Hmm.. now i'm curious about how they would "heal" me from my video game addictiveness.
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YenRug 3 Nov 2009 14:27
What? So I'm supposed to be anorexic and undernourished??? Maybe someone should tell me stomach that, it doesn't want to comply with that belief.
Joji 3 Nov 2009 17:33
Is this the one, I saw them building, next to Soap Opera Addiction clinic?

Apples and pears, a tale of.

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