Roger Daltrey Spills the Beans on The Who Rock Band

Or maybe Guitar Hero?

Posted by Staff
Spills the beans... see.
Spills the beans... see.
Roger Daltrey front man for 1960s' Mod stylists, 1970s' Rock Operaettists and 1980s', erm, well The Who (they do all the theme music for CSI) has gone public with news of his band's imminent appearance in a rhythm game.

On mention of The Beatles Rock Band, he told The Republican Newspaper, "The game, yeah, yeah, they're going to be doing a Who one next year. There is one planned.

"(The idea) is fabulous. Anything that gets non-musical people interested in music is wonderful. In my opinion, music is our last true great freedom. They can burn our books, they can burn our paintings, but they can't stop us singing and making music."

That last bit is a little strange given what Pete Townsend used to do with guitars. Anyway, 1960s British band with a one charismatic but dead member, yes, that's got Rock Band written all over it.


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