Left 4 Dead 2: Zombies Not Defined Enough for Censors

Will have horrible effect on kids down under.

Posted by Staff
Okay, so the Australian Classification Review Board has refused to re-classify Left 4 Dead 2 as anything other than an MA15+, which may limit retailers wanting to appear family friendly. And here's why according to a statement from the board:

"In the Review Board’s opinion, Left 4 Dead 2 could not be accommodated within the MA 15+ classification. The computer game contains a level of violence which is high in impact, prolonged, repeated frequently and realistic within the context of the game.

"In addition, it was the Review Board’s opinion that there was insufficient delineation between the depiction of general zombie figures and the human figures, as opposed to the clearly fictional ‘infected’ characters. This was a major consideration of the Review Board in determining the impact of this game on minors."


Joji 23 Oct 2009 11:56
So ridiculous and unjust bs. Adult games banned, painted as protecting the children.

What the aussies don't understand, is that this all plays into the hands of pitrates. Valve should make a case, that it will fill the market with copies of their game.
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