PSP Piracy Means No More PixelJunk

Q Games founder 'shocked' to see so many people pirate PSP PixelJunk Monsters.

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PSP Piracy Means No More PixelJunk
The PSP's piracy problems continue to plague the system and industry at large, as PixelJunk developer Q Games has said that it is unlikely to port any more games to Sony's handheld.

The PixelJunk series of games have been an asset to the PlayStation 3's PlayStation Network brand of digital downloadables, and recently Q Games created a pint-sized version of tower defence title PixelJunk Monsters to satisfy demand from handheld users.

But it seems all anyone really wants the studio to do is give the game away for free (not a very sound business proposition, really), as founder Dylan Cuthbert spoke of his shock to see users openly discussing piracy of PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe in chat rooms.

In a statement on Twitter to an adoring fan, Cuthbert said; “I don't think we'll port anything else to the PSP, we have to see how [PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe] does as there's a lot of piracy.” He also said that anti-piracy measures and PSP Demos (despite the latter being on the way) won't do much to stop any hacking of his games.

“It was a shock to login to a [PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe] chat room and hear them talking about how they were all playing ripped versions,” Cuthbert continues, “Unfortunately [it would be pointless to implement serial numbers because] the pirates could just hack those kinds of things out.”

Maybe the pirates will buy the legit version of PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe out of guilt, Cuthbert laments. As charming a notion as that is, we wouldn't hold our breath, quite frankly.


DrkStr 20 Oct 2009 12:00
That's where all your "homebrew" developers spend their time, making ripped games run from memory stick. And you wonder why Sony keeps trying to block security holes?
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