Analysts: Guitar Hero to Outsell Beatles Game at Xmas

When analysts attack

Posted by Staff
Analysts have been doing it for themselves again. Quoted in a Forbes piece (with one of the most misleading headlines since ever) are David Cole (an analyst at DFC Intelligence) and Jeremy Miller, a ( more specifically a "videogame analyst at DFC Intelligence").

"Both Cole and Miller predict The Beatles: Rock Band likely outsold Guitar Hero 5 in September. But Guitar Hero 5 may have stronger legs, outselling Rock Band during the holidays. No matter which music games sell more units, Miller contends the industry likely won't see significant growth in 2009 as it has in past years."

Bear in mind, however, that this apparently well thought-out analysis comes with one of the greatest analyst admissions ever as David Cole states:

"Obviously, everybody has guessed about what consumers will do. But we'll just to wait and see."

That's why they're on the big bucks.


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