'New' Beatles Rock Band Tracks Depend on Sales

Buy more copies and you're more likely to see complete albums.

Posted by Staff
You would think, after the money spinner that should have been The Beatles: Rock Band, that Harmonix would be jumping at the chance to get every album from the band available as DLC. Apparently, that might necessarily be the case. Apparently doing so costs a lot.

The Bits, Bytes, Pixels and Sprites caught up with Harmonix PR man John Drake at Microsoft's X09 event to find out when the entirety of The White Album, among others, would be playable to people with plastic instruments. It seems that, the chances are only likely if (surprise surprise) more people buy the hell out of the game;

"Every time we do one song, it's not like Rock Band where we wait for the masters to come in and just author them... its like, send people to Abbey Road, use the original tape, separate them out... it costs thousands of dollars. We're waiting to see how things sell. We're waiting to see how the albums do. If they sell well, we'll have a lot more content."

You heard the Harmonix man! Buy The Beatles: Rock Band, and audio completion is assured! Maybe. Hold on, does that mean that the much-vaunted re-releases of all things MopTop have not convinced a generation born after the last time the Fab Four played of the saintliness of the band that changed the world? According to our local games emporium this maybe so, "We've not sold any special editions and and only a couple of instrument sets", we were told today.


Anon 9 Oct 2009 12:02
Seems rather ridiculous when you consider the current entirety of The Beatles: Rock Band's DLC is simply one song... 'All You Need Is Love', when really all the people who bought the game need is more of the bloody pre-release promised DLC.
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