Ryo Hazuki Playable in Sonic And Sega All-Stars Racing

Awesome news is awesome.

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Ryo Hazuki Playable in Sonic And Sega All-Stars Racing
Since Ryo Hazuki got stuck up that bloody mountain, we've all wanted to know how the Shenmue story will continue/conclude/whatever. So far, SEGA has given us nothing. But today the company has had a change of heart. We will see the Hazuki Style once more!

…In Sonic and SEGA All-Stars Racing! Not quite what we all expected, no, but it's still great to see the house of Sonic acknowledge the poor wandering traveller. And it looks like Sumo Digital have done the character a good homage too.

The trailer can be seen below. In it, we can see Ryo's vehicle of choice - the motorbike that was prominent in Shenmue II. Activating weapons appear to make Hazuki-san do some of his flip-kick nonsense that his father taught him, and his Special Move, awesomely, has Ryo hop into a forklift truck and barging foes away. Magic.

We just hope there's no story behind why he's in this game, exactly. It could ruin the simple fact that he's there.


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