Right, we may occasionally come over as curmudgeonly notherners, but SPOnG is actually a keen supporter of local game developers. This is why we've decided to give over some of our resources so that you can listen to Mode 7 Games' joint managing directors, Paul Taylor and Ian Hardingham, and their regular, informative, insightful, interesting and utterly game-related podcast.
Visiting the Village is a weekly podcast that tackles the games industry's quirkier stories, as well as poking its finger gingerly into the disturbing recesses of the indie games scene. It's a discussion rather than a news show, and it strives to be fast, punchy and entertaining.
It's run by indie development studio Mode 7 Games (
Frozen Synapse) and offers occasional behind-the-scenes glimpses of their work.
These guys are not talking heads who've not been near a compiler. There's little or no waffling about demographics going forward out of the box: Ian is the Lead Designer and Programmer, Paul does Business Development, Marketing and Audio.
In this episode, the lads "discuss Intel’s attempt to take down OnLive, violence in games and a whole host of other guff. We also have Alex - Malakian - Hayes on the line, discussing his experiences playing through the
Might and Magic 6 Pack from Good Old Games"... and much, much more.
Enjoy and don't forget
Paul's regular column for SPOnG.
Get the
podcast from over here.
Check back regularly for more.
If you're a keen gamer or a games maker, feel free to contact us at feedback@spong.com about your video or podcast. If it's up to scratch, we'll be pleased to get involved and offer up some additional ears and eyes.