Tonight: Charlie Brooker Takes Swipe at Games on BBC

Acerbic, biting... we bloody well hope so.

Posted by Staff
Tonight: Charlie Brooker Takes Swipe at Games on BBC
Former PC Zone journalist, now Guardian columnist, and everybody's favourite British TV acerbisist (sic), Charlie Brooker, is bringing his experience with video games and his experience with being acerbic to BBC 4 tonight with Gameswipe at 10pm in the United Kingdom.

The show will then be available on iPlayer. Let's hope that Mr Brooker ups his game from the clip currently being run by the BBC, which basically sees him reviewing The Beatles Rock Band.

We know he will - because the show contains "...interviews with Dara O'Briain, sitcom scribe Graham Linehan and Rab and Ryan from Consolevania."

We'll be watching.


Spoonhammer 30 Sep 2009 11:31
Watched it this morning on the iPlayer.

He clearly understands the subject matter, unlike 99% of the mainstream media, which this show is essentially telling us as it's main message.

Brilliant and funny from Brooker, as usual.
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