New Super Mario Bros, Wii Fit Plus Dated

Nintendo also confirms price cut

Posted by Staff
Nintendo has confirmed that New Super Mario Bros. will release on November 15 in the USA - November 20th in Blighty - and Wii Fit Plus will be on the shelves on October 4.

The games will release after the US gets a price cut to $199 in the week starting (or ending depending on where you stand on Sundays) on September 27. Unlike the UK, which is reported to be getting a new bundle that will include Wii Sports Resort and the Wii Remote Plus, the US market will stick with the standard Wii pack.

The ever-effervescent NOA marketing manager Cammie Dunaway, says of the US price cut, "Our research shows there are 50 million Americans thinking about becoming gamers, and this more affordable price point and our vast array of new software mean many of them can now make the leap and find experiences that appeal to them, whatever their tastes or level of gaming experience."

There you go then. UK gets a return to launch price but new kit, while the US gets a price cut.


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