Wii UK Price Returns to £179

Nintendo confirms price protection

Posted by Staff
Wii UK Price Returns to £179
Following yesterday's news of a new Wii bundle for the UK Nintendo has confirmed to MCV that, " it will work with retailers to ensure that any stock bought between yesterday and April 2009, during which time the trade price was temporarily inflated, will not leave them out of pocket."

This is occurring because the Wii in the UK is to return to its £179.99 price on October 2nd. Bear in mind that Nintendo can't fix the price, so this remains a recommended retail price - what retail does is down to its own judgement.

Nintendo's official comment is: "We will be reducing the trade price of Wii to retailers from 2nd October 2009. In the UK and Republic of Ireland we are also introducing a new configuration of Wii hardware from 2nd October 2009 which will replace the current offering and will include the Wii console and Wii Sports with the new Wii Sports Resort game and Wii MotionPlus accessory.

"This will be available to retailers at the newly reduced trade price. The ultimate price to consumers is, of course, determined by the retailers. Our aim has always been to expand the gaming population and there are still many more people out there who have not yet experienced the fun of video games. This compelling offer will hopefully make Wii more accessible to everyone."



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