Game On UK Video Game Show Dies

Recession to blame.

Posted by Staff
Ambiguous ain't it?
Ambiguous ain't it?
The Game On London games expo that was to go ahead at Earls Court on November 14th and 15th has been murdered in its infancy apparently by the recession. Its website states:

"It is with great sadness that we announce that GameOn! London has been cancelled. For those who have purchased tickets, Seatem ticketing agency will directly process your refunds."

MCV has published a statement from organiser, Creative Games Media that blames the recession and the fact that a new management team put in place only last month did not have time to sort the details:

"The economic climate of 2009 and short timeline with which the new GameOn London management team took over has proven too challenging to launch a mass-market consumer gaming event of the magnitude and quality that the UK market merits."

You find the Seatem ticket agency details here.


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