NCSoft to Kill Dungeon Runners

Year end death

Posted by Staff
NCSoft to Kill Dungeon Runners
"Dear Dungeon Runner,

"Have you ever had to give bad news to someone before? Sure you have! I've found that the best way to give bad news is to make a 'crap sandwich' out of it. You know... you say something nice, drop the bad news bomb, then say something else nice. Sound like fun? Let's do it then!"

So says Stephen Nichols, Producer & Lead Programmer on NCSoft's Dungeon Runners MMO when he introduces the fact that the game will be shutting down by year end.

He further explains that, "Dungeon Runners just isn't cutting the mustard. If she were a ship, she'd be taking on water. Yeah, she's been taking on water for a long time now. Are my cryptic references too hard to decipher? The game just isn't profitable...

"As things stand now, we're a three man team. Yeah, we lost two of our five man team recently. Not nearly enough manpower to get where we need to be. Rebuilding the team isn't really an option for various reasons. So, where does that leave us? Can you guess? Yes, that's right, we're going to be shutting Dungeon Runners down at the end of 2009. New Year's Eve to be exact."

We reckon that Stephen gets the award for the least CorproBS statement of the decade so far when it comes to games news.

See the full statement here.


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