Speaking in an interview with SPOnG -
which you can read here -
Brutal Legend creator, Tim Schafer, has some encouraging words for those of us who like games to be made for gamers.
"(Humour is) something I think is important for games, if they are to be taken seriously", he tells us, "They may not seem like a serious work of art to some people, but to me they are because, at the core, it is about making a personal expression, not a product that was manufactured to fit a spec that was created by a marketing team. "
Tim also goes into some detail regarding Ozzy Osbourne and says this is Lemmy from Motorhead:
" (He) had a Game Cube, and he was playing
Starfox Assault, which is a game that he loves."
Heaps more good stuff in the interview,
so have a look.