Sony Gets Revenge on Porn Industry

Vivid Entertainment wants to go deep in user's wallets via Blu-ray and PS3

Posted by Staff
Sony Gets Revenge on Porn Industry
It seems an ironic turn of events that the porn industry wants in on the PS3 and Blu-ray, given that decades ago it snubbed Sony's Beta format for VHS instead. But, here we are - advances in streaming technology have driven the founder and co-chairman of the largest porno producer (in the world!) to call for HD sex movies on the PlayStation Network.

Vivid Entertainment's Steven Hirsch told MCV that he wants to follow in the footsteps of Japanese porn factory in making adult videos accessible to console owners, but naturally wants Sony to provide some sort of infrastructure to allow them to do it.

"As long as proper age verification is in place there is no reason why consumers should not be allowed to view adult movies on any device that they desire... It’s too early to say to what extent this could help our business, but it certainly has real potential." recently tackled the issue of providing porn via the PS3 by offering a Blu-Ray disc that allows 'users' to access pay-per-view content. The system is only available in Japan though - we should know, we've tried already.


PornStation3 9 Sep 2009 17:01
PornStation3 9 Sep 2009 17:02
nardos 10 Sep 2009 11:22
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