PSP Restrictions Causing Metal Gear Team Fall Out

When money and hardware gets in the way of friendship...

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Peace Walker
Peace Walker
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Apparently there's a bit of discord over at Kojima Productions at the moment. Hideo Kojima, founder of the company, says that the MGS Peace Walker and MGS Rising teams "are not really good friends right now."

Discussing what's happening at his studio, Kojima told GamePro, "The core of it is, of course, the Rising team. So they're doing a lot of high-level stuff with great staffs. And that doesn't mean the guys who are making PSP are the shitty's not that.

"The reason why I say they are not good friends is because the PSP is working day and night to make it even better than MGS4, but of course they can't do it because of a lot of restrictions. On the other hand, the Rising team is using loads of money and loads of capacity and hardware specs. If you could imagine the PSP team looking at the Rising team saying, they have all the money and specs. That's the one reason why they are not good friends."

That makes us a little sad.


Joji 3 Sep 2009 12:33
Nothing like sibling rivalry, to stir the creative juices.
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