Harmonix: SingStar Beatles Not Real

A 'misheard rumour, apparently

Posted by Staff
Harmonix: SingStar Beatles Not Real
Harmonix has poured cold water over rumours about a Beatles iteration of SingStar.

"There is no such thing as Singstar: Beatles. That is a rumour." Harmonix developer Sean Baptiste said in the Rock Band forums. Baptiste actually seemed pretty angry about it. "I'm going to go ahead and close this thread about a thing that isn't real. If any info appears that may be pertinent someone can start a new thread", reads the last post in the thread.

Pretty blunt and final, eh?

It gets a bit muddier elsewhere, however. Kotaku quotes him as saying, "This isn't true, just a misheard rumour. I'll have more details later in the day about whatever it is they misheard." So... what the bloody hell's he talking about that's been misheard?

The rumour was that MTV Games and EA would be publishing a Beatles version of SingStar (which is a little odd, given it's Sony's IP) that would essentially be the Rock Band game with singing only.

If the misheard rumour actually just relates to a The Beatles: Rock Band mic bundle, we're going to fall asleep wherever the hell we happen to be when we hear about it.


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