Lost Planet 2 Demo Coincides With Gamescom

Co-op fun on Xbox Live

Posted by Staff
Capcom has a plan to make people who haven't been/won't be able to make it to the likes of E3, Comic-Con and gamescom feel better about their absenteeism. The publisher is sticking the Lost Planet 2 co-op demo it's been putting in front of gamers at shows out on Xbox Live.

The demo will be made available to Gold members the world over as of August 19th - the day GamesCom kicks off. Silver members will get access to the demo a week later on August 26th. No mention has been made of a PS3 version.

It's all about fighting the G-Type Salamander Akrid boss. Capcom tells us, "Utilizing a host of weapons scattered through out the arena, squads of up to four players will face off against the huge monster in an attempt to bring it down. Players can assault the Salamander in a number of ways, from shearing off its legs to actually being swallowed and fighting their way out from the inside! Superior firepower comes in many flavours, including numerous beam and projectile weapons and several Vital Suit robotic combat units that up to three players can ride at once.

"There are new support weapons which allow teammates to boost attack and defense abilities, while players can share life-giving thermal energy amongst injured members of their squad. Additionally, the new Dash feature allows players to sprint for short distances, bringing greater speed to combat."

There's more screens and information about Lost Planet 2 over on SPOnG's dedicated game page.


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