Video Games are Art says Beatle

But apparently they shouldn't be

Posted by Staff
"All you need is cash, la la la-la-la!"
"All you need is cash, la la la-la-la!"
In a lengthy (and mostly adulatory) piece in the New York Times former Beatle and current knight of the realm, Sir Paul McCartney has apparently laid to rest the debate as to whether video games are art.

With ego firmly to the fore the Mop-Top responsible for the Frog Chorus, states, "Rock ’n’ roll, or the Beatles, started as just sort of hillbilly music, just a passing phase, but now it’s revered as an art form because so much has been done in it. Same with comics, and I think same with video games."

Calm down now, he also says, "I’ve seen enough things that should never have become art become art that this looks like a prime candidate to me if ever there was one".

Source: NYT


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