Rock Band as Impactful as MTV - Says MTV

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Rock Band as Impactful as MTV - Says MTV
Despite the play-along music genre taking a big, downwards hit in recent months, one executive is upbeat about the chances of Rock Band: Beatles leading plastic guitar players into a bright future.

Comparing the game to the impact that MTV had in the 1980s, a Mr Van Toffler tells Businessweek, "We showed people how to experience music in a new way. Rock Band, too, allows people to interact with music in a whole new way."

Van Toffler is the head of games, music, and movies at MTV.


DoctorDee 7 Aug 2009 11:24
Mr Van Toffler needs a perspective check. MTV in the eighties was just like a long episode of Top of the Pops, we'd experienced music with pictures before, and we quickly became familiar with (and tired of the idea of "heavy rotation". Seeing the same bloody Alice Cooper and Aerosmith video five times an hour was not revolutionary.

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