Famed Music Label: Rock Band is the New Format

CDs, vinyl and now Rock Band

Posted by Staff
Famed Music Label: Rock Band is the New Format
MTV Games and Harmonix's decision to release tools into the wild to turn your tracks into downloadables for Rock Band Network already has one supporter in form of legendary US indie-label Sub-Pop.

The label's A&R executive Tony Kiewel has told Rolling Stone, "You’d be crazy not to make your stuff available and sell it if you can..."

So impressed is he by the possibilities that, he claims, "This’ll be another format alongside vinyl and CD."

The whole mp3 thing seems to have slipped by though. Kiewel also has a cautionary note regarding the technology responsible for turning tracks by bands such as Nirvana, The Afghan Wigs, Fleet Foxes and Soundgarden into Rock Band tracks.

"My fears are we haven’t actually used the software yet and audio multi-tracking software in general is pretty complex."

One band we don't expect to see from the Sub-Pop stable, however, is The White Stripes, given that these sort of games depress Jack White.


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