Lost Planet 2: Warm New Screenage

Get 'em while they're not cold!

Posted by Staff
Because it's pretty chuffed that Comic-Con's underway in San Diego, Capcom has put out some new screens for Lost Planet 2. SPOnG has them in the gallery to the left of these very words.

In case you missed it earlier in the year - E.D.N. III's not as cold as it used to be. Capcom tells us, "Lost Planet 2 picks up 10 years since the events of the original adventure and the landscape has evolved dramatically. With the success of terraforming activities, the planet’s ice has begun to melt, giving way to lush tropical jungles and other new environments.

"The story has advanced beyond Wayne Holden as players will now follow the exploits of their own customized snow pirates on their quest to seize control of E.D.N III. Players will move their heroes through different stories creating a truly unique and interactive experience. With this concept, gamers will have the opportunity to engage in the story in a more dynamic way as plot threads evolve from various perspectives."

Now have a look at the screens! They're quite pretty.


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