20 Minutes of Brutal Legend that Doesn't Suck

Tim Shaffer says it doesn't.

Posted by Staff
20 Minutes of Brutal Legend that Doesn't Suck
Brütal Legend, sure, we've been hard on it. No, in fact, we've just been hard on Jack Black, and after Year One? But now, having watched the following video featuring the game's creator, Tim Schaffer, telling us that this trailer doesn't suck, unlike the previous one... well, we're inclined to think pleasant thoughts about the game.

Yes, it looks like it could be fun.

Also, the trailer does not sound as if it bored Schaffer to death, unlike the previous one.


fuck you 20 Nov 2009 03:19
keep your opinions to yourself. there is more at play in movies than just the actor such as the person directing him and telling him what to say. and if you don't like jack black thats your own problem this game was good way more original than halo by lightyears
nex 11 Dec 2009 07:26
i hate jack black, he just isnt funny nor do i expect this game to be a fun play through. its funny as if you read reviews now after it came out, most of the normal koolaid drinking sheeple dont even like it. i cant count the number or reviews who said "oh well i played a couple hours of it, its growing on me, it seems fun i need to really sit down and play it to really get into it." BS when a good game is out you make time for it mostly, not make excuses!
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